Planned “Batch Add” Dates:
Planned Batch Add Dates
10 names ONLY for each date.
Please remember, only sign up once per person. **No avatar names or emails please, thank you. If you already have an avatar name on my list, please kindly excuse yourself from the waitlist. See instructions below.
February 22, 2024 - 5:21 am (New York time) Tentative, subject to change
How do you get on the waitlist?
1) The waitlist is ONLY available on the dates and times of the “Batch Add” dates and only posted and updated on this page. Sometimes, the waitlist will fill up super quickly, in minutes, sometimes it is open for many hours. I am not able to predict how quickly the waitlist will fill up.
Planned Batch Add Dates, 10 names ONLY for each date.
February 22, 2024 - 5:21 am (New York time) Tentative, subject to change
3) Click the blue “Join Waitlist” button when it shows up. Refresh your computer if it doesn’t show up in 2-3 seconds after opening time. If you wait too long, it may have already closed.
4) Type your name, email, and country. That’s the only required information. Optional=Only if you have a USA mobile phone, type in your phone number.
5) Submit. That’s all.
6) If you got on the list, you will be given an email and/or mobile phone notification. If you mistyped your email or phone number, you cannot get an email. Check your spam folder. Please add my email (peter@wolfwhiskers.com) to your allowed emails.
7) If other people beat you to get on the list, you will not show up on the list.
8) If the list is closed, it will tell you it is closed and you will have to sign up next “batch add” date.
9) If I have to change a planned date, my goal is to change that date at a minimum 14 days prior to the scheduled opening date unless an emergency or unplanned event preempts this guideline.
10) ** Finally, please only sign up once at a time. NO AVATAR NAMES OR EMAILS. After your order is complete, you may sign up again, of course. No waiting once you are off the list. This may seem confusing for some people and some may even wonder why I would ask this. Let me explain. A micro-business is uniquely different than large volume businesses. Every business, large or small, has a goal of maintaining viability (ability to survive). The path for viability is different for each business. For a very small business like Wolf Whiskers, that has a limitation in production must pursue goals differently. If a micro (small) business only has a few customers, the ability to survive is completely dependent upon the continuation to serve that small customer base. However, if new and returning customers are sought, the ability to survive increases drastically. Therefore, I ask you only sign up once at a time so that new customers may also sign up with you. If WW is only serving a handful of customers who sign up multiple times, eventually, it would fail and fall apart. Please be considerate to others and to me and help me stay afloat.
11) Lastly, if you are living in any part of the UK, the new laws surrounding the collection of VAT and how VAT is collected had changed starting January 1, 2021 as a result of BREXIT. At this time, I can not ship to the UK at all, in any capacity or using any shipping method. For more information and other links directly from the HMRC, visit this LINK. Also, I cannot ship to Russia at this time, but hope to in the future.
I love doing what I am doing, however, I am limited on production that I can do each month. I do not mass produce my custom shaving brushes. This is the nature with hand turned custom work. With my current business model, EVERY committed custom order is very important to me and my family and the sustainability of Wolf Whiskers. We appreciate every order very much.
The Wait list enables me to plan ahead to determine the viability and sustainability of a custom work business model. The Waitlist enables me to continue to take custom orders.
I am a family man and I know it is vital and important to me and my family that all of my customers ensure their needs of their family are met first as well. And when you obtain a modest discretionary surplus, I welcome your name submission on the wait list. In short, planning is vital for all of us.